What is ‘Corrective Exercise Therapy’ and how does it differ from Physiotherapy?
An analogy; if your car’s tyres are fitted badly, uneven wear, tear and damage will occur to them as you drive and accelerate. This will have a detrimental effect on the overall structure and performance of the car due to its reliance on the tyres.
The same problem occurs in the human body during exercise and physical activity if your muscles aren’t activating as they’re meant to. This could be when walking daily or in more strenuous activities such as running, exercise classes or sport.
Your body will compensate and find a way to move in these activities by altering its postural alignment and mechanics. This stresses and strains it, leading to pain and injury in joints, muscles and nerves (known as movement dysfunctions).
Even with isolative, symptomatic treatment, rest and persistence in exercise, pain recurs if the underlying problems which caused it aren’t identified, rectified and prevented by your trainer or therapist.
Corrective exercise is a non-medical/ medicinal nor surgical approach to addressing pain (neuro-muscular-skeletal) that someone feels in the body. If you saw a physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor, for example, shoulder, back, hip or knee pain, you may be given isolative treatment, exercises or stretches specific to the affected area.
The body though is a whole unit, working collectively and concurrently. Other problematic issues elsewhere in the body have a chain reaction effect, leading to this pain. Such areas and discomfort felt will continue and benefit little from this isolative treatment.
As Level 4 Corrective Exercise Specialists, we’re trained to assess and treat the body holistically as a whole unit. Rather than treating in isolation the site where someone feels pain, we look at the bigger picture. We identify, rectify and prevent the root cause of why the symptom has initially occurred, often stemming from an overlooked problem/s elsewhere in the body. Back pain is a common example; caused by many other resolvable, preventable reasons irrespective of core abdominal strength.
At Bodyrefine, we rectify, restore and maintain posture, muscle balance, mobility, joint stability, muscle inflexibility and body mechanics. This allows the body to move freely and without pain, in exercise and general daily activity.
Our specialist, bespoke personal training, unique to Bodyrefine clients is preceded with a detailed assessment of the body. By doing so, we establish a safe, specific starting point for selective strength, flexibility exercises and sports massage to complement this; allowing your body to move and function properly in exercise, greatly lessening the risk of immediate or eventual injury.
Using our significantly different, effective exercise-therapy approach, we’ll gradually yet safely progress you onto purposeful whole-body, integrative strength and flexibility exercises and workouts personally suited to your physical condition and intentions.